The City of Greater Bendigo was experiencing challenges with its existing corporate planning and reporting process, and chose Pulse’s Corporate Planning and Reporting module to streamline the way the organisation conducted business.
The challenge
The legacy system at Council was not a seamless experience for end users and system administrators, and although corporate reporting, risk and audit were part of the same suite, there was no consistency between the administration of these core functions.
With corporate reporting, Council staff couldn’t export the data in the necessary format, and the reports weren’t customisable, which meant it was time-consuming to produce them. The data needed a great deal of manual manipulation, which sometime equated to hours of work.
There was a lack of buy-in from end users due to the combination of a system that was hard to use and the inability to export data without a time-consuming process. The system was not meeting the Council’s business requirements.
The solution
Council went out to tender for a solution, and Pulse was chosen as the preferred supplier. Pulse was successful for several reasons including:
- Ease of use: most users only need to go to the summary page to update all modules.
- Common look and feel of the modules.
- Reduction in time needed for system administration.
- The system’s strong reporting capabilities.
- An Australian-based company with local technical support.
The result
The key result has been increased buy-in from end users, from the Council’s executive team through to reporting officers.
Any member of staff at any time can run a report straight from the system which is fully up to date, which eliminates version control issues. The report is styled so it’s ready to go to the required stakeholders, both internally and externally, with no manual manipulation. The software does most of the work so it usually takes users less than a minute to run a report.
“Pulse’s software is easy to use, intuitive and has resulted in efficiencies across the board. The system’s notifications and action import functions mean these processes are no longer manual, and the document generator functions are fantastic.
“It used to take me between four-six hours to produce the quarterly Council Plan reports, this now takes about four minutes, including a spell check!”
Kathryn Loy, Service Planning and Reporting Adviser
Council staff also noted that Pulse are open to suggestions on improvements to the products and are very responsive when issues arise.
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About Pulse Software
Pulse is an Australian SaaS company focused on industry leading, out-of-the-box process management software solutions with module-style applications developed using the latest cloud-based technology for a wide range of organisations.
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