The appraisal process using Pulse has transformed from being an annual event to a constantly accessible workflow, recording continual progress and performance. What used to take weeks for the People and Performance team to distribute, manually enter and analyse the returned results, now only takes hours to complete in the Pulse Employee Performance Management module.
Nicole Jenkins, Executive Manager – People & Performance
Campbelltown City Council challenges
Campbelltown City Council employs and manages a diverse workforce of over 1,000 employees and contractors in a variety of corporate, skilled and unskilled indoor or outdoor positions. Prior to deploying Pulse, the Council’s People & Performance department faced several challenges including:
- A manual, cumbersome and time-consuming employee performance review process.
- No alignment between strategic, organisational and employee goals or KPIs.
- Executive and line reporting impeded by manual data collation and excel spreadsheet use.
- Complete lack of employee performance visibility and engagement between appraisal periods.
- Employees viewing the performance review process simply as a ‘tick-box’ exercise to complete.
- Inconsistent review methodology between different supervisors, managers and their direct reports.
Why Pulse Talent was Council’s solution of choice
Pulse was selected by Campbelltown City Council following a competitive tender evaluation process and demonstrated ability to provide:
- An agile software solution able to support the existing organisational employee performance management framework and processes.
- Seamless integration with existing Pulse modules to accelerate organisation-wide system adoption and technology alignment.
- An intelligent and consistent approach to managing the unique requirements of a corporate, indoor or outdoor workforce.
- Internal HR expertise and a track record in assisting Council’s transitioning from manual employee performance management systems.
- Complete HR solution of Onboarding, Learning & Accreditation Management and Performance Management.
Key outcomes for Council
- Thousands of wasted ‘administrative’ hours and unnecessary paperwork have been eliminated by transitioning to an online system.
- Employee goals and KPIs are now mapped, linked and aligned to organisational or department goals.
- Managers and supervisors now have ‘live’ reporting capabilities into employee performance, engagement and feedback.
- Council can better identify and schedule workforce learning or development opportunities to improve employee performance.
- A culture of trust across the organisation to drive joint accountability around employee and organisational performance.
- Consistent organisational review and appraisal methodology between different supervisors, managers and their direct reports.
- Ability for Pulse Talent module to integrate Council’s employee or contractor records with internal payroll and financial systems.
About Campbelltown City Council
The City of Campbelltown is a local government area in the Macarthur region of south-western Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia. It features a rapidly growing population base, estimated at approximately 168,000 and a gross regional product estimated at $7.9 billion in 2017.
The area is located about 55 kilometres southwest of Sydney and covers an area of 312 square kilometres extending from Glenfield in the north, Menangle Park in the south, the Scenic Hills in the west and the Georges River in the east.
About Pulse Software
Pulse Software is an Australian SaaS company that provides a cloud-based integrated suite of business process management software to help organisations manage a complex workforce, improve operational efficiency, mitigate risk and meet regulatory and compliance requirements.
Our team can help guide you on the solutions to best suit your needs and get you started on your software journey with Pulse Software.
For more information call 1300 363 325 or email